"Flying Dream" 737 Paint Livery Exhibition

In the sunny spring, Boeing Zhoushan Completion and Delivery Center ushered in a group of special guests. They are kids from the Children's Painting Club of Zhoushan Nanhai Huiminqiao Primary School. In last November, Boeing Zhoushan went to this primary school to collect aircraft paint livery designs, and the Children's Painting Club had created one fisherman artwork with Zhoushan characteristics. Afterwards, engineers turned the artwork into operational drawings, and the painting team took more than 20 days finishing the livery on a training aircraft.

This time, these little artists from the Painting Club were invited to the factory. Besides showing kids the aircraft coated with their creative patterns, the management team of Boeing Zhoushan introduced to the kids about the assembly process of aircrafts, and the painting process of the special aircraft in the factory through videos. Led by the painting team, the kids visited the paint hangar and experienced the premask preparation process, one procedure of the painting processes.

From popularizing aviation knowledge and collecting aircraft designs from local school to paint children's artwork on the aircraft to achieve their "Flying Dream", Boeing Zhoushan serves the local community with actions to let children know about the aviation industry located in their hometown, inspiring their aviation interests and sowing seeds of aviation dreams.