On the Occasion of Celebrating "Boeing's 50th Anniversary in China", We Are Ready to Resume Aircraft Delivery from Zhoushan

Boeing is celebrating "its 50th Anniversary in China" this year. All this began with US President Nixon's historic visit to China in 1972. The plane he took at that time was a Boeing 707 special plane called "Air Force One". A few months later, China purchased the first 10 Boeing 707 aircraft, which is also the official beginning of Boeing's long-term cooperation with China.

Sherry Carbary, President of Boeing China, said in a recent interview with the media in Zhoushan: "Boeing is very proud to be able to serve the development of China's air transport system, and support the Civil Aviation Administration of China and other relevant government departments and Chinese airline customers to build a safe, efficient and cost-effective civil aviation system, and help the rapid development of China's economy."

Aerial view of Boeing Zhoushan Site

The development speed of China's civil aviation market is amazing. It took Boeing 40 years to deliver the first batch of 1000 airplanes to China, while it took only five years to deliver the second batch of 1000 airplanes.

For Boeing, China is not only the most important overseas market, but also the most important partner. At present, Boeing has 35 direct suppliers in China. They have become a key part of Boeing's global supply chain and play a significant role in every Boeing model in production. Now, more than 10000 Boeing planes flying around the world are equipped with Chinese-made components.

Boeing Zhoushan Completion and Delivery Center is one of the latest examples of mutually beneficial cooperation between Boeing and China's aviation industry. And now Boeing is working with COMAC to operate this world-class completion and delivery facility. Sherry Carbary pointed out that COMAC is one of Boeing's closest and most trusted partners in China; Here, employees from both sides work together to prepare for the completion and delivery of the 737 Max airplane.

Boeing Zhoushan team has fully honed its painting skills with a retired aircraft

The global aviation industry is still one of the most dynamic long-term growth industries in the world. Despite the impact of external shocks such as the ups and downs of the economic situation and the epidemic, the aviation industry can always recover from the trough and return to the long-term growth trend. The recovery of the aviation industry in many regions of the world once again shows that the fundamentals of air travel are intact.

Sherry Carbary stressed that Boeing believes China's civil aviation industry will also recover and continue to grow, and become the world's largest civil aviation market shortly. According to Boeing's latest market forecast, China will need 8700 new civil aircraft in the next 20 years, of which about three-quarters are single-aisle aircraft. Boeing is striving to gain as much single-channel market share as possible for the 737 Max and deliver them from Zhoushan. Boeing's long-term development strategy in Zhoushan is not limited to 737 Max related businesses, but is more extensive. Boeing hopes to support the establishment of an aviation industry system in Zhoushan and its surrounding areas, attracting new partners, suppliers and new capabilities, and thus supporting Boeing customers in long-term development. Boeing has considered itself a "local" of Zhoushan and is ready to do its best to support the local community and bring positive effects to Zhoushan.

Sherry Carbary expressed her sincere gratitude to the Zhoushan government on behalf of Boeing and herself. She said: "it is the strong support of the Zhoushan government that has enabled the Boeing Zhoushan project to achieve the current progress." When speaking of the future, Sherry concluded: "As Boeing looks forward to another 50 years of cooperation with China, we will continue to invest, collaborate and innovate around the new capabilities in the fields of safety, sustainable development and operational efficiency, and provide better support to our customers and stakeholders. For the future, we are full of hope and confidence. Based on the current conditions in Zhoushan, we are ready to resume aircraft delivery. "

(The above content is reproduced from Boeing China)